Let’s #TakeBackPride for Harvey Milk. Harvey Milk was an American politician active in San Francisco in the late 1970s. He is credited as being the first openly gay man elected to a public office in California and is a hero of the LGB rights movement.
In his political campaigning he encouraged all gays and lesbians to come out at work and at home, calling it “the most political thing you can do” in the effort to normalise homosexuality and encourage acceptance of LGB people.
While in the past Pride was an opportunity to fight homophobic stereotypes and demand equal rights for LGB people, today it has become a corporate event, highjacked by straight people and sexual fetishists where they show off their kinks and reduce the public’s image of gay people to perverse sexuality. Harvey Milk would not have supported this vision of Pride. #NotAllGays believe in this version of Pride either.