The Politics of Bisexuality
Why should bisexuality be treated any differently? Gender ideology seeks to erode its definition in the same way, pushing for it to be reinterpreted as attraction to ‘all gender identities’, further blurring the line between sex and gender. But bisexuality has always been about attraction to both sexes - not an ever-expanding list of self-identifications.
Surrogacy and Gay Rights
In addition to these concerns, we must consider the troubling fact that many countries allowing for international surrogacy harbour strong prejudices against same-sex individuals or impose severe criminal punishments for homosexuality. For instance, Kenya allows international surrogacy, yet same-sex relationships are criminalised with severe penalties. It is paradoxical and morally questionable that a country refusing to recognise same-sex couples domestically would permit the commodification of women and the sale of babies to gay couples abroad. How can this be framed as a gay right when it directly contradicts the principles of equality and non-discrimination we strive for?
Not All Gays Fabricate History.
Over the past week, one of the members of Not All Gays made a shocking discovery. An Irish LGBTQ+ organisation, Dublin Pride, had photoshopped a historical photograph from the first large-scale Irish Pride protest in 1983. The sign that originally said “The Police Are Not On Your Side Either” had been digitally altered to say “Trans Rights Are Human Rights.”This sparked outrage online, with the Not All Gays thread racking up over 330k views on Twitter.