It’s day 15 of #TakeBackPride and we are highlighting Joanna Cherry, Member of Parliament in the Scottish National party and an out lesbian. She has called out the “big dose of misogyny" behind gender self-ID and has spoken out against it as far back as 2019.
Cherry opposed proposed reforms of the Gender Recognition Act in Scotland and this very week, after defending the definition of biological sex in the UK Parliament, she received death threats from trans rights activists. The Met Police, however, refused to investigate these threats and it was only after JK Rowling drew attention to their handling of this case that they opened a proper investigation.
In 2020 British police unlawfully harassed a man in his workplace over alleged “transphobic” tweets. This type of of police overreach is exactly why we are campaigning against the #HateSpeechBill in Ireland, a Bill which would empower the Gardaí to arrest LGB people for stating biological facts.
We stand with Joanna and denounce the homophobic and misogynistic treatment she has faced at the hands of the UK Authorities and “queer” activists alike.